Morning Coffee break

So every morning I take a break with coffee and read twitter…just incase I miss something not even important or relevant in my life..
(As a side note while taking break.. get all the kids up..make sure they are changed, make 3 lunches for school, breakfast for 4, check our grown up schedule, load dishwasher and check on how many loads of laundry usually just 1 or 2) take a sip of coffee…
dang it coffee…forgot to make coffee…turn coffee on…and stare in horror how slow said coffee coming out of machine…
run to livingroom to clean up spilt cereal and milk on floor, get 2 kids rechanged that were covered in milk…ask who did it…all four said not me did it..of course…evil little creatures blaming the not me ghost…
try to convince last kid to finish cereal…seriously…45 mins and only half a bowl..the last time I did that was well never…
Crap coffee is probably cold out to kitchen…aaand one of the cats knocked over said cup in an attempted to get treats…
I’ll just make more….time is…damn…yell at kids we gotta go time for school…as kids run past to put on boots and coats and into car…which constantly takes another 18 mins….(I’m not kidding)
I decide to read atleast one twitter post…..a monkey loose in ikea wearing a coat…..seriously?? Well least I’m smiling….

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